The "Accept Match" music doesn't play if the tab isn't in focus.
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»Dorky · 8:49 PM Feb 6th
report post

We've run into this a lot. We're all tabby cathy's and we tab out and have to message each other to remind each other what we were doing 2 minutes ago. Is there anyway it can play when the tab isn't in focus?

»switz 🌵· 1:39 AM Feb 7th
report post

Good question.

It's actually not a matter of if the tab is out of focus, it's a matter of if you have interacted with the page yet or not (i.e. clicked it).

Chrome, Firefox, and other browsers disable "autoplaying" any audio until a user clicks the page. So it's best to either click the page, or you can try and enable "auto-playing" on PopFlash.

On Chrome: click the lock in the address bar and hit "site settings", then select "Sound" and set it to "Allow".

On Firefox: click the "play button" with an x through it after the PopFlash accept music starts, and select "Allow Audio and Video".

This is probably confusing, I'll try to write up a guide. Chrome gives YouTube this ability out of the box, but sites like PopFlash don't get that luxury.

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