Scrim Page: Inline Stats, Team Stats, and Team Balancing
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»switz 🌵· 1:16 PM Dec 20th
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Last week I rolled out inline stats on the scrim page for players and teams. Today I'm releasing a new feature for balancing teams.

As far as team balancing goes, this is very naive. Once 10 players are in the scrim, it generates every possible matchup and sorts by the lowest diff.

For a lot of reasons, this is not great. Mostly because CS:GO stats are poor indicators of skill, but also because it doesn't take into account spread (std deviation) nor anything more complex.

I do plan on improving this over time, as well as rolling out deeper functionality into balancing to help you generate good matches for yourselves.

But this is a simple place to start. As you use these features, please share feedback as I figure out where to take these from here.

Til' next time.

»switz 🌵· 5:12 PM Dec 20th
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I added "reference names" (e.g. #ADR1, #ADR2, etc.) to the potential matchups so you can discuss with your friends which matchup you'd like to play. More soon.

»switz 🌵· 5:50 PM Dec 21st
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You can now "hide stats" in your community settings if you don't want you and your players to see them.

»dz 🌵· 3:04 PM Dec 22nd
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Fantastic addition with reference names, it may be good to do autobalance options. K/D, winrate, ADR, HLTV rating over last 20 maps etc.

»switz 🌵· 3:06 PM Dec 22nd
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that's how it works, you pick the stat you want to balance and it gives you a ton of options for team makeups. it doesn't balance automatically, just gives you the tools to pick the teams you want in a more balanced manner 😎

if you want it to autobalance, just pick the first option

»Random · 4:19 PM Dec 22nd
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Little question, based on cs stats or last popflash game stats ?

»switz 🌵· 4:20 PM Dec 22nd
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its based on your last 25 popflash matches

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